Trade Facilitation Policy Lecture Held in Nanchang Comprehensive Bonded Zone

前海国信    DATE:2023-05-29    TYPE:Company Dynamics

    On the morning of May 26th, the "Trade Facilitation Policy Lecture" organized by Nanchang Economic Development Zone in collaboration with Qingshanhu Customs and Jiangxi Qianhai Guoxin Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. was successfully held in the Supervision Building of Nanchang Comprehensive Bonded Zone Management Committee. More than 20 large industrial and electronic information enterprises in the district have registered to participate in this lecture, which will be conducted in two stages. Our co founder Li Wenhao, as one of the keynote speakers, was invited to participate.

    In the first stage, Xiong Huaqiang, the head of the Audit Department of Qingshanhu Customs, introduced the core advantages of customs AEO advanced certification and provided a detailed explanation of customs AEO advanced certification procedures and standards.

    Liu Jia, the Chief of the Non Trade Department of Qingshanhu Customs, provided a detailed interpretation of the "processing trade policy", focusing on analyzing the regulatory model, business processes, and tax policy advantages of processing trade for manufacturing enterprises suitable for conducting processing trade.

    In the second stage, our co founder, Li Wenhao, shared the theme with the participating electronic information enterprises around "the help of supply chain management in domestic and international circulation for industrial enterprises to reduce costs and increase efficiency", and combined with representative enterprise cost control cases, demonstrated the important role of supply chain in enterprise production and social management in a simple and profound manner.

    This presentation strengthened the understanding of trade facilitation policies among relevant enterprises in the foreign trade field within the zone, helped foreign trade enterprises fully enjoy the dividends of AEO policies, enhanced their international competitiveness, and promoted the strengthening of communication and cooperation among enterprises within the zone, focusing on promoting high-quality development of foreign trade.

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