Recognition of Outstanding Employees of Guoxin Technology Group in 2022

前海国信    DATE:2023-06-06    TYPE:Company Dynamics

    To further strengthen the construction of the company's corporate culture, establish advanced models, enhance the work enthusiasm of all employees, cultivate and shape the collective sense of honor of all employees, and enhance the cohesion of the enterprise. On June 1st, various workplaces of Guoxin Technology Group held the 2022 Outstanding Employee Recognition Activity.

Leading by example, building dreams and moving forward,

The development of the group is closely linked to the realization of personal value,

Let us firmly establish a sense of ownership,

Learn from excellence and align with the advanced.

Based on one's own position, conduct in-depth research and precision drilling,

Accumulate strength, strive for excellence together,

With practical work, effectiveness, and achievements,

Make greater contributions to the high-quality development of Guoxin Technology!

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