202311 Internal Training | Customs Policy Sharing - Royalties

前海国信    DATE:2023-07-21    TYPE:Company Dynamics

    To popularize the understanding of customs policies among employees and assist the Customs Department in promoting customs work. On July 27th, Fu Yingying, an internal trainer from the Customs Affairs Department, conducted a special training on "Customs Policy Sharing - Royalties". This training adopted an online and offline collaborative learning approach, with active participation from colleagues from various workplaces.

    During the training class, Fu Yingying closely followed customs policies and adopted various methods such as theoretical lectures and illustration explanations to provide in-depth explanations on the policy analysis, standardized declaration requirements, and the current licensing fees involved in our company's imports.

    After the training, colleagues from various departments enthusiastically asked Fu Yingying questions about the actual problems they encountered in their work, and the atmosphere in the classroom was warm. Everyone expressed that sharing such customs policies is very helpful for work.

    Through this training, not only did everyone deepen their understanding of customs policies, but also expanded their understanding of franchise fees among colleagues. Provided a rare learning opportunity for colleagues in various departments, effectively promoting the implementation of customs declaration and other related work.

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Qianhai Guoxin

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