202310 Internal Training | Poetry Workshop

前海国信    DATE:2023-07-18    TYPE:Company Dynamics

    In order to better enrich the leisure cultural life of employees, let everyone experience the power of millennium writing by reciting poetry and beautiful literature. On July 12th, the Shenzhen workplace invited young poet Wendy to organize a special event called "Poetry Workshop", which subverted traditional stereotypes about poetry through discussion and exchange. At the same time, it helped everyone better understand themselves, soothe their souls, and relieve stress.

A post-00s who once regarded themselves as physical beings;

A steadfast literary figure who comes into contact with poetry by chance;

Young poets who have created and published multiple poems for a long time;

A loyal fan of Wes Anderson and Real Madrid;

The initiator and organizer of TEDX event;

Organized multiple times for college students and young professionals in the workplace

The poetry disseminators in the workshop received evaluations such as "being cured"

    Under the guidance of Teacher Wendy, redefine poetry that everyone has never seen or rarely sees; From sharing sentences that represent individuality, to deciphering digital poetry, exploring the connection between "fried poetry" and life, and finally creating free verse... Time and time again, with joyful laughter, everyone is pleasantly surprised to find that they seem to see a unique window, push it open, ask nothing, pay attention to their inner feelings, accept different voices, enrich spiritual interaction, and let such emotions flow and flip through communication and sharing.

    Through this special event, each participant was able to understand the different aspects of poetry, restart their self-awareness with poetry, and become more passionate about life.

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Qianhai Guoxin

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